Connect to CrewNet

Connect your CrewCom system's devices via their available CrewNet RJ-45 Copper or duplex LC Fiber ports.

Note: If you choose to Auto Configure your system, the CU will prompt you to plug in devices after you have powered on the CU. Hubs cannot be Auto Configured.

Important! Device port connections must match your CCF's system diagram in order to operate. Pliant recommends making all cable connections from the CU to other CrewCom devices prior to powering on the system. However, CrewCom devices (such as RTs) that are already present in the CCF may be connected or replaced while the system is operating. When hot-swapping devices, Pliant recommends waiting at least 10 seconds between disconnecting and reconnecting the device.

How To Connect CrewNet to RTs

  1. Connect at least one RT to the CU via an available CrewNet port.
  2. If you have additional RTs, connect via an available CrewNet port on a CU (or Hub if applicable), or by daisy-chaining to an existing RT. (See Add More CrewCom Devices for more information about configuring multiple RTs.)

CU to RT Connection Diagram

CU-to-RT CrewNet Connections

What's Next?

After you've completed your CrewNet connections, you can move on to Power On the System.