2-Wire Intercom Connectivity
Note: If you are not connecting a hardwire system, be sure the 2-Wire Type is set to OFF or the system could experience termination-related issues and poor audio. See the procedure below for more information on how to change this setting.

Always confirm that the non-Pliant 2-Wire intercom system and the CB2 wireless system are functioning properly separately before connecting them together. Use the procedures below to configure the 2-Wire connection from the BaseStation's Wired Settings menu.
Under the Wired Settings menu, select Intercom Settings:
- Use the Navigational controls to navigate to the desired setting for a 2-Wire port.
- For intercom “Type,” press Enter to view the available list of compatible types: RTS Ch 1, RTS Ch 2, AudioCom (Balanced), or Clear-Com. You can also select Off. Use the navigation buttons to scroll through the list, and press Enter when the desired setting is highlighted.
- Determine if you would like to send and receive Call signals from the CB2 wireless system to the connected 2-Wire intercom system. Press Enter to view and select ON or OFF. See the Call section of Intercom Settings Menu for more information.
- The Echo Cancellation (ECAN) setting for the 2-Wire ports is on by default. Pliant highly recommends that ECAN remain on even if a 2-Wire system is not in use. If you wish to change this setting, press Enter to view and select ON or OFF. See the Echo Cancellation section of Intercom Settings Menu for more information.
- Now that your settings are established, connect the 2-Wire intercom system to the appropriate ports via 3-pin XLR cables/connectors.
- After connecting the 2-Wire intercom system, initiate Auto Null for the appropriate ports or all ports of this particular BaseStation. See Nulling for more information.
- Adjust IN/OUT audio levels between the CB2 wireless system and the 2-Wire intercom system as needed.
- With appropriate mic gain settings and expected nominal levels from the interfaced system, the 2-Wire settings you can expect to see for RTS, Clear-Com, and AudioCom are provided in the table below.
2-Wire Intercom Settings RTS Clear-Com AudioCom 2W OUT
- With appropriate mic gain settings and expected nominal levels from the interfaced system, the 2-Wire settings you can expect to see for RTS, Clear-Com, and AudioCom are provided in the table below.